Blackhorn 209 Powder is a low residue, high performance propellant made for muzzleloaders and black powder cartridges. It is engineered to consistently shoot at higher velocities and with greater accuracy than any other muzzleloader powder available today.
They have high performance propellant made for muzzleloaders and black powder cartridges. It is engineered to consistently shoot at higher velocities and with greater accuracy than any other muzzleloader powder available today. Blackhorn’s™ high performance, Muzzleloading Powder can be used with any standard 209 shotshell primer. The powder leaves no curd ring in the barrel, and can be readily cleaned with regular oil-based solvents. Because of its non-corrosive nature, there is minimal fouling, so the need to swab between shots is eliminated, resulting in increased time in the field.
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