Winchester 209 Primers are non-corrosive, all-weather primers deliver fast, dependable ignition under any shooting condition. They are constantly and rigorously tested for consistency and sensitivity at temperatures and conditions far beyond the range of normal usage.
Winchester 209 guarantees better sensitivity for more positive firing in all guns, carefully-controlled weights of primer mixtures, consistency in size and quality, precise measurements and tolerances for anvil heights, and stability in extremes of temperatures and humidity.
Quantity in stock now for sale:
- Box of 1000: 10 Sleeves of 100
- Box of 5000: 5 boxes of 1000

Made In the United States of America
Digital-Photog From New Hampshire –
They’re shotgun primers, they go bang, and fit good.
Amazing how fast these and ALL PRIMERS sell out now! Get a notification from reloads_supply at 11:58am read the message at 12:00, place order at 12:06, they’re sold out at 12:15( lucky I was looking at my email at the time and got 5000). I mean geez people are buying and buying and buying, powder is no different now, ITS MADNESS…..reminds me of the toilet paper shortage. Anyway, Winchester makes darn good primers, especially their 209 primers. They go bang EVERY TIME, they are just slightly oversized compared to federal by .0005″, and slightly undersized compared to fiocchi and Cheddite by .0005″. And are .0015″ bigger than cci. So they will be tight going into a cci loaded shotshell and snug in a federal primed shell, will need a little help in a fiocchi or Cheddite shell(primer sealant or nail polish works). Now DONT EVEN TRY A RIO SHELL! RIO PRIMERS ARE MAJORLY OVERSIZED AT .245″, a good .0035″ over the Winchester primers. Rio primers are ridiculously oversized and will ruin your shotshell primer pockets for any other primer. Cant go wrong with Winchester 209 primers and I’m glad I was able to score 5000 amid all this PANIC BUYING. Great reliable primer!
mike From CO –
Great job on the shipping
Winchester 209 are probably the most popular primers for shotgun reloading so I’m sure everyone knows how great of product they are, the thing I was impressed the shipping. I never ordered primers online because I thought the hazmat charge would be outrageous but I have to say it’s not bad and worth having them shipped to my house.